・日本国民の配偶者たる外国人で引続き3年以上日本に住所又は居所を有し、かつ、現に日本に住所を有するもの など
・日本国民の子(養子を除く。)で日本に住所を有するもの など

・所得の申告や納税義務違反 など
Requirements for Naturalization
Do you know the requirements for Naturalization since naturallization means to be Japanese citizens by foreigners?
According to the Nationality Law, there are 6 stipulated facts described below.
① A continuous existence of over 5 years address in Japan.
An address is the fundamental centre for one's living. Living on a plot or temporary stay can not be called a living address. What‘’s more , since it is stipulated for a continuous over 5 years ,one can not break it by law. There are 9 cases for which requirements are exempted according to the Nationality Law.
For example - A foreigner whose spouse is a Japanese has an address in Japan for a continuous more than 3 years and currently as well.
② Aged 20 years above who has capacity according to Native Country's Law.
An applicant for Naturalization needs to have capacity of one's native country .(For example- a Myanmar citizen when applying for Naturalization, according to the Union of Myanmar Law) in addition to being aged over 20.
There are 6 other cases for which the requirements are exempted.
For example- a child of Japanese having address in Japan (except for adopted child)
When the parent applies for Naturalization upon which the permit is issued (Being the child of Japanese) No.②requirement is exempted even though No.②requirement cannot be submitted when the child is still under age to apply for Naturalization by himself.
By applying for Naturalization together with parents, the permit will be issued concurrently with the parents.
③ Having good personality
The applicants must have good personality.
There is no such matters as discrimination compared to a Japanese.However, it can have an effect on your application if there are previous crime committed or any misdeed.
Therefore,the following facts must be noticed.
For example: Offending the Traffic Law
Absence to declare income and pay tax
④ Being able to live independently depending on your own ability or other family member's property or your spouse who is living(separately /individually)
An applicant for Naturalization must take the responsibility of the living cost of the family members and your spouse who is living (separately/ individually) . Living individually means students who are receiving financial support from parents though not living with parents.
There are 4 cases for which the requirements are exempted according to the National Law.
For example; Having over 1 year 's address in Japan,during the adoption ,the adopted child of Japanese is still underaged according to the mother country's law.
⑤ Having no citizenship or abandoning one's citizenship after taking Japanese citizenship.
If the applicant for Naturalization does not belong to any citizenship (nationality) or by taking the Japanese citizenship, it is impossible not to abandon the existing citizenship. In most countries,though people have to abandon his/her own citizenship if the citizens are taking Naturalization in foreign countries, there are also cases and countries which do not require people to do so.
For example; In Newzealand - Abandoning mother country's citizenship will not be recognized unless after Naturalization of a foreign country.
For example;In Belgium , Brazil and India- Abandoning mother country's citizenship will not be recognized for those who are still underaged.
For example; Refugee ( Being unable to renounce procedures of one's nationality)
However, there are exceptional cases for which the requirements are exempted according to the Nationality Law.It has been stipulated according to the National Law as mentioned below.
The relationship between the Japanese and one's family or a special reason concerned with one's environment for which one has been recognized.
Having a close connection with Japan as he/she is the child of the Japanese's spouse or as a special permission by the Ministry of Justice, he or she is recognized as a refugee out of humanity judgement, etc is said to be recognized.
⑥ Having no such matters as enforcing Japan Constitution , or intending to break apart sub-organizational governments or proposing or plotting for this purpose or proposed political party or setting up other organizations or being a member of such organizations.
An applicant for Naturalization must not be a person who has imprudent behaviour and an act of terrorist on the constitution and the government . He/She must be a person to crash down the constitution and the government by terrorism, set up a proposed government party and organization and be a member of such organization.
Note: Application for Naturalization is free of charge.
Requirements for Naturalization